Managing Docker Swarm
The below Docker swarm how to is part of build highly available private docker registry.
To configure Docker Swarm you will need minimum 3 nodes, below I will use the names/ip’s listed in part 1.
To initialize the Docker Swarm cluster, just run the below on the first node coreos1.
# Use if the server has multiple interfaces # docker swarm init --advertise-addr docker swarm init
Next, run the below, on the two other nodes (coreos2 and coreos3).
Replace the token with your Docker Swarm token.
docker swarm join \ --token SWMTKN-1-58uz09763fitew2samqtowgse75dc9px7gxk2qokf5uc5mu9f2-20ve9z6nj34o202ybf9tiqk3j \
For fail-over to work properly, in recent versions, run the below on node2 and node3, this is needed to allow the other two node become manger in case the first node fails.
docker node promote coreos2 docker node promote coreos3
Now, lets verify the cluster functionality.
docker node ls ID HOSTNAME STATUS AVAILABILITY MANAGER STATUS 8c6qmlmo9uym11obvyo3irgib coreos1 Ready Active Reachable ilmw12fa1kdyzsi5nrmfpi8bk coreos3 Ready Active Reachable ykafu6ww70nbklvrvgpc5qoiy * coreos2 Ready Active Leader
Next, create a Docker Swarm network.
docker network create \ --driver overlay \ --subnet \ --opt encrypted \ services
Next, create Docker Swarm service.
docker service create \ --replicas 2 \ --name nginx \ --network services \ --publish 80:80 \ nginx
Now, verify the cluster network and service.
docker service ls docker service ps nginx docker network ls
Docker helpful examples
A Docker Swarm busybox example.
docker service create \ --name busybox \ --network services \ busybox \ sleep 3000
Verify the ps busybox Docker Swarm.
docker service ps busybox
Running the busybox as part of Docker Swarm.
docker exec -it busybox.1.4czfvm7771qy8lmbiz2bv4nbwdocker /bin/sh docker service inspect --pretty nginx
Scale the busybox service as part of Docker Swarm.
docker service scale nginx=3 docker service ps nginx
Destroying the Docker Swarm cluster
Single node to leave the cluster.
docker node demote coreos2 docker node demote coreos3
Last node to leave the cluster – on coreos1.
docker swarm leave --force
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