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Upgrading Oracle Directory Services Manager(ODSM) / 11g To Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager(OUDSM) / 12c

Below I am going to show you how to upgrade Oracle Directory Services Manager(ODSM) / 11g To Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager(OUDSM) / 12c in just a few simple steps. Note: A fresh ODSM 11g installation is available here – Installing Configuring OUD, ODSM and Oracle DIP. More details about OUDSM is available here. TIP: Before you start, please make sure to create a backup as thinks do happen and something can go wrong.

Pre-Requisite – Downloading the software

First, you need to download the latest Oracle Unified Directory(OUD) software, which is as of this writing – 12cPS3 ( You can download the software here – scroll down to about the middle of the page (or you can download the file from Oracle OTN network / e-delivery). You will also need the Fusion Middleware Infrastructure You can get the Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2 ( here. Note: Make sure to select in the download list – Fusion Middleware Infrastructure installer (about 1.5GB). Next, we are going to extract the Fusion Middleware Weblogic software. The download file will be called something like You will now have an extracted file called fmw_12. Optional: If you are running OUD on Solaris it is good idea to just create a BE to be able to easily rollback. You do that by running the below
beadm create oudsm-pre-12c
TIP: Now is the time to disable any OUDSM/OUD alerts i.e. SMTP alerts, you can easily do so with the ODSM/OUDSM console.

Install Java 1.8 Pre-Requisite for 12c

Before you continue, we need to stop the OUD instance, you so by running the below.
One of the OUD/OUDSM 12c requirements is to use Java 1.8. so we make sure to install and set java 1.8 as your OUD running environment i.e set the JAVA_HOME. To install java 1.8 on Solaris just run the below (if you are on Lunix, just use apt-get, yum, dpkg,etc.. to install, or manual install).
pkg install --accept jdk-8
Note: Don’t run this while the instance is still up. as the existing 11g uses Java version 1.7 and this will change/update the default systems java version. TIP: Its a good idea to add/set the environment with the below updates. Add something like the below to your .bashrc to the OUD running user.
# Points to latest install
export ORACLE_HOME=/oud/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java
export PATH=$PATH:/oud/Oracle/Middleware/asinst_1/OUD/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/oud/bin
Source in your new changes, then verify the proper java version is set, by running the below.
java -version
java version "1.8.0_152"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_152-b16)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.152-b16, mixed mode)
We are now ready to install / upgrade OUDSM from 11g to 12c.

Installing Weblogic 12c

Start by running the below.
java -d64 -jar  fmw_12.
Select > Skip Auto Updates. Select a new location for the Middleware home installation: Select Middleware Home: /oud/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home Select > install without samples. Click next > let prerequisite checks complete. Click next > let installation complete. We are now ready to install / upgrade OUD from 11g to 12c.

Upgrading OUD from 11g to 12c

Follow all steps in this post to upgrade OUD from 11g to 12c. Note: When you install OUD make sure to select Collocated Oracle Unified Directory(this is only needed for OUDSM / OUD not for a simple OUD installation), screen shot below. Note: Make sure upgrading OUD from 11g to 12c before you continue as this is absolutely required.

Creating / Configuring OUDSM Weblogic Domain

Note: It is Oracles preferred method to have separate domain for OUD and OUDSM. If you select to create [oud] and [oudsm] domain in the same weblogic instance, an rcu tool and Oracle DB will then be required to completed the configuration.

Creating the OUD / Weblogic base domain

Start the weblogic configuration utility by running the below.
cd /oud/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/common/bin
Select: Create New Domain. Location: /oud/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/base_domain Click next. Check the box next to [OUD] only (not [OUDSM] unless you plan to use an Oracle DB (not the preferred oracle method)). Change (from weblogic) user to admin, and enter a password (you can leave weblogic if you like that up to you). Change selection to production mode and for jdk leave the default (Oracle Hotspot). Check, Administration Server, Node Manager Servers and System Components Check Enable SSL (port 7002, or 7006) Under Node Manager type, select, per Domain default Location, and type a user/password. user will be admin and your password. Skip System Components Under, Unix Machine tab, Click on Add, under name, specify your(this host) hostname. click Next Finally, click Create or extend(if extend an existing domain) Wait till the configuration is completed, then click finish. Next, we need to create and OUDSM domain. Run the below to create an OUD/ODSM domain.

Creating the OUDSM / Weblogic domain with wlst utility

cd /oud/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/oracle_common/common/bin ./ Note: Replace with your weblogic user name/password. Please be patient as it might take some time to complete.
Output will like this

Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) ...

Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell

Type help() for help on available commands

wls:/offline> createOUDSMDomain(domainLocation="/oud/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/oudsm",weblogicPort=7001,weblog,weblogicUserName='admin',weblogicUserPassword='password')
Successfully created OUDSM domain
Hit CTRL+d to exit wlst utility.

Post install configuration.

Create a to be able to start weblogic without typing as password, by running the below.
mkdir /oud/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/base_domain/servers/AdminServer/security
echo "username:admin" >> /oud/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/base_domain/servers/AdminServer/security/
echo "password:password" >> /oud/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/base_domain/servers/AdminServer/security/
Note: You are only required to start the NodeManager and OUDSM domain for OUDSM console to work(not the OUD domain), if you do start the OUD domain you will have to change the port(s) from 7001/7002 to not get a port conflict. Finally create / update your startup scripts.

Starting OUDSM and accessing the console

cat /etc/init.d/
case $1 in
        su - oud -c "/oud/Oracle/Middleware/asinst_1/OUD/bin/start-ds"
        su - oud -c "cd /oud/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/base_domain/bin ;nohup ./ &"
        sleep 2
        # OUD domain - dont start as will cause port conflict
        #su - oud -c "cd /oud/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/base_domain/bin; nohup ./ &"
        sleep 2
        su - oud -c "cd /oud/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/oudsm; nohup ./ &"
        echo "Killing weblogic java process"
        pkill -9 -U oud java
        echo "Stoping Directory Server"
        su - oud -c "/oud/Oracle/Middleware/asinst_1/OUD/bin/stop-ds"
*) echo "Usage: [start|stop]"

Run chmod +x /etc/init.d/ Finally run the below to start OUDSM.
/etc/init.d/ start
it might take a while to come up, to watch progress.
tail -f /oud/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/oudsm/nohup.out
wait till you see a line contain RUNNING. somthing like the below.
To access the console just go to, after logging in you should see something like the below.
Note: Remember to re-enable SMTP alerts (if disabled). Oracle OUD/OUDSM 11g to 12c Upgrade Documentation Upgrading OUDSM from 11g to 12c (ODSM > OUDSM) Installing OUD/OUDSM Downloads Oracle Fusion Middleware Software Downloads select Oracle WebLogic Server 12cR2 ( > Fusion Middleware Infrastructure installer (about 1.5GB) download Oracle Unified Directory 12cPS3 ( Identity Management 12cPS3 ( select Oracle Unified Directory 12cPS3 ( – generic You might also like Installing Configuring OUD, ODSM and Oracle DIP. Oracle ODSEE to OUD Directory Replication or Migration. Like what you’re reading? please provide feedback, any feedback is appreciated.
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