

Month: September 2014

How to install Oracle Identity Management 11gR2 PS2 Oracle Identity Management 11gR2 PS2 Installation Tutorial As demonstrated in this video tutorial the installation has been significantly improved and simplified compared to previous releases. Oracle has recently made available the next major release of the Identity Access Management suite. For a list of new features in this release I have created …

How to install Oracle Identity Management 11gR2 PS2 Read More »

How to assign / allow users to start SMF service in Solaris

How to assign / allow users to start SMF service in Solaris Add to /etc/user_attr informix::::auths=solaris.smf.manage.informix Or just run usermod -A solaris.smf.manage.informix informix Add to /etc/security/auth_attr.d/local-entries solaris.smf.manage.informix:::enable, disable and refresh iwatch:: Create the service iWatch managed service Import the new service and enable svcadm import iwatch svcadm enable iwatch

Modifying Solaris SMF DNS Options

Enabling / Configuring a DNS Client in Solaris 11+ svccfg -s network/dns/client setprop config/search = svccfg -s network/dns/client setprop config/nameserver = net_address: “(” svccfg -s name-service/switch ‘setprop config/host=”files dns”‘ svccfg -s network/dns/client setprop config/ svccfg -s dns/client ‘setprop config/options = “timeout:1 attempts:1″‘ svcadm refresh network/dns/client name-service/switch svcadm restart network/dns/client name-service/switch You might also …

Modifying Solaris SMF DNS Options Read More »

Linux, Solaris, Docker, Zones – CPU hog load test

A controlled CPU HOG load test – Change the number to the number of CPU's #!/usr/bin/perl print “Eating the CPUs\n”; foreach $i (1..16) { $pid = fork(); last if $pid == 0; print “Created PID $pid\n”; } while (1) { $x++; } Another form of loading all cpu’s, might not work in latest Linux bash …

Linux, Solaris, Docker, Zones – CPU hog load test Read More »

Hw to make lightning google calendar

In the current version (0.18 with lightning 1.9.1), this is a hidden feature which is disabled by default. It is slightly buggy, but works sufficiently to just get an invitation into your google calendar from your (possibly non-google) inbox. Using the config editor, simply set to true. You may also want to set …

Hw to make lightning google calendar Read More »

Running FileZilla on Solaris

Getting FileZilla to work on Solaris 11 Download the latest available binary for solaris from FileZilla-3.2.4-x86 Extract the source on tar zxf FileZilla-3.2.4-x86-OpenSolaris_2008-11.tar.bz2 Note: On newer versions of Solairs 11(or 12), you might need to add/link some old library’s to the path, or even getting form an older release, and added to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH Something …

Running FileZilla on Solaris Read More »

How To Enable SR-IOV Support In a Solaris 11 LDOM or Zone

Solaris 11 SR-IOV support Below are notes on how to turn on SR-IOV on a Solaris Vnic – to be used in an LDOM or zone. SR-IOV VNICs Support SR-IOV was introduced by PCI-SIG as an industry-standard for IO virtualization. Support for SR-IOV was added to Solaris 11 on SPARC LDOMs platforms. Oracle Solaris 11.2 …

How To Enable SR-IOV Support In a Solaris 11 LDOM or Zone Read More »