

Adding printers in Solaris 9 or 10

Below is a perl script which adds/creates printers using lp to two print servers with a web browser.
The script uses perl + CGI.

use CGI::Ajax;
use CGI qw(:standard);
use Net::LDAP;
use Expect;
use Switch;
$debug	= 1;
sub debug { print STDERR "@_" if $debug; }
#$site_url		= '/cgi-bin/add_printer.cgi';
$site_url		= '/cgi-bin/ap.cgi';
$site_name		= 'Add a new printer';
# Create the CGI object
my $query = new CGI;
$ajax_called	= $query->param("fname");
$submit_called	= $query->param("submit");
## User inputs
$printer_name		= param('printer_name');
$printer_type		= param('printer_type');
$printer_ip		= param('printer_ip');
$user			= param('user');
$password		= param('password');
$chkbox_print1		= $query->param('chkbox_print1');
$chkbox_print2		= $query->param('chkbox_print2');
debug "Executing add_printer.cgi as $ENV{REMOTE_USER}\n";
## Process form if submitted; execute ajax as needed or simply display the form
if ( $submit_called ) {
	my $form_is_valid	= &validate_form();
	if ( $form_is_valid ) {
		debug "validated - now starting ajax for the first time\n";
		exit 0;
	} else {
		debug "Form not validated - re-displaying\n";
		my $error_message = '*** Please fill in all fields ***';
		## the extra ,1 below is a flag which clears the password field
} elsif ( $ajax_called ) {
	debug "Running ajax function: $ajax_called\n";
	exit 0;
} else {
	# Output the HTTP header for NON-Ajax operations
	print $query->header();
exit 0;
## start of AJAX subs
sub do_ajax {
	my $pjx = CGI::Ajax->new( 'spinner' => \&spinner, 'addprintertoserver' => \&addprintertoserver, 'addprintertoldap' => \&addprintertoldap);
	print $pjx->build_html($query,\&Show_HTML);
sub spinner {
    my($printer,$server)	= @_;
    debug "spinner - printer: $printer, server: $server\n";
    return($server,qq~ Adding $printer to $server...~);
sub Show_HTML {
    my  $html = '';
    $html .= <
Eric's CGI::Ajax Example



EOT return $html; } ####################################################################################################################################################### # ## start of PERL subs # ####################################################################################################################################################### sub skipmsg { my($printer,$server,$type) = @_; debug "skipmsg - printer: $printer, server: $server, type: $type\n"; return(qq~ Adding $printer to $type server $server... Skipped!~); } sub errormsg { my($printer,$server,$type) = @_; return(qq~ Adding $printer to $type server $server... FAILED!~); } sub successmsg { my($printer,$server,$type) = @_; return(qq~ Adding $printer to $type server $server... Success!~); } sub addprintertoserver { local($printer_name, $printer_type, $u, $pw, $print1, $print2, $function, $step) = @_; debug "\n\naddprintertoserver - name: $printer_name, Type: $printer_type, user: $u, Function: $function, print1: $print1, print2: $print2, Step: $step\n"; debug "\n\n*** print1: $print1, print2: $print2, Function: $function, Value: $$function\n"; $step ++; sleep 3; return($step,$function,&skipmsg($printer_name,$function,'Print')) unless $$function; debug "Passed skip test for $function\n"; ### Construct printer info # my %db; $db{'class'}{'prefix'} = '_1'; $db{'class'}{'desc'} = 'Printer Class'; $db{'hppi'}{'desc'} = 'HP Printer'; $db{'odcs'}{'desc'} = 'Optio Printer (Old)'; $db{'oeci'}{'desc'} = 'Optio Printer (New)'; $db{'netk'}{'desc'} = 'Solaris Network Printer'; $db{'toeci'}{'desc'} = 'Itcha Printer'; return($step,$function,&errormsg($printer_name,$function,'Print')) unless $db{$printer_type}{desc}; debug "Passed DESC test for $printer_type\n"; $print_information = &genprint($printer_name, $printer_type,$db{$printer_type}{prefix}); debug "Passed genprint ($print_information)\n"; ## comment out below line when ready to test expect sequence return($step,$function,&successmsg($printer_name,$function,'Print')); ### Execute expect to run commands as this user on remote host # my $exp = Expect->spawn("/bin/ssh -l $user $host") or return($step,$function,&errormsg($printer_name,$function,'Print')); # prevent the program's output from being shown on our STDOUT $exp->log_stdout(0); $exp->expect(10, -re => '[Pp]assword: ?'); $exp->send("$password\n"); $exp->expect(2, -re => '[$#>] ?'); $exp->send("/usr/local/bin/sudo -k\n"); $exp->send("/usr/local/bin/sudo /bin/echo $print_information >> /spool/printers.conf\n"); $exp->expect(10, -re => '[Pp]assword:?'); $exp->send("$password\n"); $exp->expect(2, -re => '[$#>] ?'); $exp->send("/usr/local/bin/sudo /spool/ -v -p $printer_name\n"); # if the program will terminate by itself, finish up with #$exp->soft_close(); $exp->expect(4, -re => '[$#>] ?'); $exp->hard_close(); return($step,$function,&successmsg($printer_name,$function,'Print')); } sub genprint { my($name,$type,$prefix) = @_; return qq~$type $name$prefix /dev/$name~; } # ######################################################################################################################## # sub validate_form { my @EmptyFields = qw( printer_name printer_ip user password ); foreach $field (@EmptyFields) { my $value = $query->param($field); $emptyfields++ unless $value; } debug "Number of empty fields is $emptyfields\n"; my @EmptyChkFields = qw( chkbox_print1 chkbox_print2 ); foreach $chkfield (@EmptyChkFields) { $chkfield = $query->param($chkfield); if ($chkfield){ $checkedqty++; } } debug "Number of checked fields is $checkedqty\n"; if ($emptyfields or not $checkedqty) { ## Re-display form debug "Failed form validation\n"; return 0; } else { ## Proceed to Ajax debug "Passed validation\n"; return 1; } } ######################################################################################################################## sub display_form { my($error_message,$pwflag) = @_; undef $password if $pwflag; my %checked; $checked{np5} = 'checked' if $chkbox_print1; $checked{np6} = 'checked' if $chkbox_print2; my %selected; my @selected = qw( hppi odcs oeci toeci netk class ); foreach $key (@selected) { $selected{$key} = ($printer_type eq $key) ? 'selected' : ''; } # Display the form print <<"END_HTML"; Add a Printer

Create a new printer.

Select a printer type....

Select a Print Server to deploy to:

print1 print2 print1 print2 dpsprint1

Printer Name:

Printer IP Addresss:

In order to cretae the printer please provide your credentials.

User Name:



Main menu
END_HTML } ######################################################################################################################## sub addprintertoldap { my($printer_name, $printer_type, $printer_ip, $function, $step) = @_; debug "\n\naddprintertoldap - name: $printer_name, Type: $printer_type, IP: $printer_ip, Function: $function, Step: $step\n"; $step ++; sleep 3; if ( $function =~ "ldap_host" ) { $base_string = q~ou=hosts,,dc=devtech101,dc=com~; $filter_string = qq~cn=$printer_name~; @attributes = qw( dn ipHostNumber cn ); } if ( $function =~ "ldap_printer" ) { $base_string = q~ou=printers,,dc=devtech101,dc=com~; ; $filter_string = qq~printer-uri=$printer_name~; @attributes = qw( dn printer-name ); } $admindn = "uid=password_reset,,dc=devtech101,dc=com"; $adminpw = "password"; $ldapserverone = ""; $ldapservertwo = ""; debug "Phase 1\n"; unless ( $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($ldapserverone, port=>389,timeout=>5) ) { $ldap = Net::LDAP->new($ldapservertwo, port=>389,timeout=>20) or warn "Can't connect to $ldapserverone or $ldapservertwo via LDAP: $@"; } $mesg = $ldap->bind(dn => $admindn,password => $adminpw, version=>3); $mesg = $ldap->search( # perform a search base => "$base_string", filter => "$filter_string", attrs => [ @attributes ] ); $mesg->code && warn $mesg->error; debug "Phase 2\n"; @entries = $mesg->entries; foreach $entry (@entries) { $dn = $entry->dn; $cn = $entry->get_value("cn"); $ipHostNumber = $entry->get_value("ipHostNumber"); $printername = $entry->get_value('printer-name'); } debug "Phase 3\n"; #Define undifned varbles $dn = "Not_Found" unless ($dn); $printername = "Not Defined" unless ($printername); $ipHostNumber = "Not Defined" unless ($ipHostNumber); $cn = "Not Defined" unless ($cn); if ( $function =~ "ldap_host" ) { debug "Phase 4 - ldpahost\n"; if (("$cn" =~ "$printer_name") && ("$ipHostNumber" =~ "$printer_ip")) { #print "No need to do any thing as IP is the same\n","-------------\n"; } elsif (("$cn" =~ "$printer_name") && ! ("$ipHostNumber" =~ "$printer_ip")) { #print "Host OR IP is not the same removing host\n"; ###$mesg = $ldap->delete($dn); #print "Adding host\n","----------------\n"; #Update LDAP with new Host ###LdapHostUpdate(); } else { #print "Host dose not exsist adding to ldap\n","-----------------\n"; #Update LDAP with new Host ###LdapHostUpdate(); } } if ( $function =~ "ldap_printer" ) { debug "Phase 5 - ldapprinter\n"; if ( "$printername" =~ "$printer_name" ) { #print "No need to do any thing as the printer exsist\n","-------------\n"; } else { #print "adding printer as it dose not exsist\n","-------------\n"; #Update LDAP with new Printer ###LdapPrinterUpdate(); } } debug "Phase 6\n"; $mesg = $ldap->unbind; # take down session if ( $mesg->code ) { $errstr = $mesg->code; #print "An error has ocuerd the error code is $errstr"; debug "step: $step,$function,'ldap failed'\n"; return($step,$function,&errormsg($printer_name,$function,'LDAP')); } else { debug "step: $step,$function,'ldap success'\n"; return($step,$function,&successmsg($printer_name,$function,'LDAP')); } } sub LdapPrinterUpdate { $mesg = $ldap->add("printer-uri=$printer_name,ou=printers,,dc=devtech101,dc=com", attr => [ 'printer-uri' => $printer_name, 'sun-printer-kvp' => "printer-uri-supported=lpd\\://$printer_name#Solaris", 'printer-name' => $printer_name, 'sun-printer-bsdaddr' => "print,$printer_name,Solaris", 'objectclass' => [ 'top', 'printerService', 'printerAbstract', 'sunPrinter' ] ] ); if ( $mesg->code ) { $errstr = $mesg->code; #print "An error has ocuerd the error code is $errstr\n"; } else { } } sub LdapHostUpdate { $mesg = $ldap->add("cn=$printer_name\+ipHostNumber=$printer_ip,ou=Hosts,,dc=devtech101,dc=com", attr => [ 'cn' => $printer_name, 'ipHostNumber' => $printer_ip, 'objectclass' => [ 'top', 'ipHost', 'device' ] ] ); $mesg->code; if ( $mesg->code ) { $errstr = $mesg->code; #print "An error has ocuerd the error code is $errstr\n"; } else { } } # ######################################################################################################################## # ## EOF #
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