To compile VLC you will need ffmpeg which includes some missing library’s
Copy / link the “.pc” of the missing library to the pkg-config directory.
For example for libavformat we will need the libavformat.pc
cd /usr/lib/pkgconfig ln -s /opt/SMM/ffmpeg-text/lib/pkgconfig/libavformat.pc
verify it works.
pkg-config --modversion libavformat
To create your own “.pc” file
prefix=/opt/csw exec_prefix=${prefix} libdir=${prefix}/lib includedir=${prefix}/include Name: libavcodec Description: FFmpeg codec library Version: 54.92.100 Requires: Requires.private: libavutil = 51.73.101 Conflicts: Libs: -L${libdir} -lavcodec Libs.private: -lsocket -lnsl -lxvidcore -lx264 -lvpx -lvpx -lvorbisenc -lvorbis -logg -ltheoraenc -ltheoradec -logg -lmp3lame -lfaac -lm -lbz2 -lz Cflags: -I${includedir}