Install all require cups packages
Install cups bindery’s
pkg install \ print/cups \ print/cups/filter/foomatic-db \ print/cups/filter/foomatic-db-engine \ print/cups/hal-cups-utils \ print/cups/system-config-printer \ print/filter/a2ps \ print/filter/ghostscript \ print/filter/ghostscript/fonts/gnu-gs-fonts-other \ print/filter/ghostscript/fonts/gnu-gs-fonts-std \ print/filter/gutenprint \ print/filter/hplip \ print/lp/filter/foomatic-ppds \ print/lp/filter/foomatic-rip \ print/mp \ print/psutils
Enable cups daemons
svcadm enable /application/cups/in-lpd /application/cups/scheduler
Accessing the cups web GUI
To add/create printers from the commend line, or to create printers on multiple print servers, you can use this perl script
Replace the lines @print_server_list with your print server names.
# Only remote hosts my @print_server_list = ('print1', 'print2'); # To configure LDAP, modify the lines with ldapserverone and ldapservertwo. $ldapserverone = ""; $ldapservertwo = ""; # The domain base will also need to be modified # The script uses SSH to run on the remote systems, You can change the below lines to your SSH key, or add your SSH password @KEYFILE = ("/root/.ssh/id_rsa"); my $ssh = Net::SSH::Perl->new($print_server, identity_files=>\@KEYFILE); $ssh->login(root, $password); #my $ssh = Net::SSH::Perl->new($print_server); # $ssh->login(root, $password);
Configure cupsd.conf
# # "$Id: 9310 2010-09-21 22:34:57Z mike $" # # Sample configuration file for the CUPS scheduler. See "man cupsd.conf" for a # complete description of this file. # # Log general information in error_log - change "warn" to "debug" # for troubleshooting... LogLevel warn # Administrator user group... SystemGroup sys root # Only listen for connections from the local machine. Listen 631 Listen /var/run/cups-socket # Show shared printers on the local network. Browsing On BrowseOrder allow,deny BrowseAllow all BrowseProtocols CUPS BrowseLocalProtocols CUPS BrowseRemoteProtocols CUPS BrowseShortNames Yes ImplicitClasses On # Default authentication type, when authentication is required... DefaultAuthType Basic # AutoPurgeJobs No PreserveJobFiles Yes PreserveJobHistory Yes # Restrict access to the server...Order allow,deny Allow all # Restrict access to the admin pages... Order allow,deny Allow # Restrict access to configuration files...AuthType Default Require user @SYSTEM Order allow,deny Allow # Set the default printer/job policies...# Job-related operations must be done by the owner or an administrator... # Set the authenticated printer/job policies...Order deny,allow Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM Order deny,allow # All administration operations require an administrator to authenticate...AuthType Default Require user @SYSTEM Order deny,allow # All printer operations require a printer operator to authenticate...AuthType Default Require user @SYSTEM Order deny,allow # Only the owner or an administrator can cancel or authenticate a job...Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM Order deny,allow Order deny,allow # Job-related operations must be done by the owner or an administrator... # # End of "$Id: 9310 2010-09-21 22:34:57Z mike $". #AuthType Default Order deny,allow AuthType Default Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM Order deny,allow # All administration operations require an administrator to authenticate...AuthType Default Require user @SYSTEM Order deny,allow # All printer operations require a printer operator to authenticate...AuthType Default Require user @SYSTEM Order deny,allow # Only the owner or an administrator can cancel or authenticate a job...AuthType Default Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM Order deny,allow Order deny,allow Allow all