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CoreOS Kubernetes configuration generator now available as a Docker Image on Docker Hub

I finally got around to update the Kubernetes Configuration Generator. the Kubernetes Ignition Generator is now available as a Docker Image in the official Docker Hub. Using a Docker image simplifies eliminate most requirements such as the need to install Python modules, etc…

How to use the Docker Image?

To use the Docker image just pull the Image with docker pull elik1001/coreos-kubernetes-generator. You can also run the Docker image directly which will pull the image. To use/run the docker image, just run the below.
docker run \
-v $(pwd)/configs:/kub-generator/configs:rw,shared \
-v $(pwd)/keys:/kub-generator/keys:rw,shared \
-v $(pwd)/bin:/kub-generator/bin:rw,shared \
-v $(pwd)/ssl:/kub-generator/ssl:rw,shared \
-v $(pwd)/work:/kub-generator/work:rw,shared \
-v $(pwd)/tmp:/kub-generator/tmp:rw,shared \
--rm -it elik1001/coreos-kubernetes-generator:0.8.2

# If behind a corporate proxy
docker run \
--env HTTP_PROXY=$http_proxy \
--env HTTPS_PROXY=$http_proxy \
--env NO_PROXY=$no_proxy \
--env http_proxy=$http_proxy \
--env https_proxy=$http_proxy \
--env no_proxy=$no_proxy \
-v $(pwd)/configs:/kub-generator/configs:rw,shared \
-v $(pwd)/keys:/kub-generator/keys:rw,shared \
-v $(pwd)/bin:/kub-generator/bin:rw,shared \
-v $(pwd)/ssl:/kub-generator/ssl:rw,shared \
-v $(pwd)/work:/kub-generator/work:rw,shared \
-v $(pwd)/tmp:/kub-generator/tmp:rw,shared \
--rm -it elik1001/coreos-kubernetes-generator:0.8.2
Notes on directory usage:
  • The configs directory will store the generated ignition, iso and yaml files.
  • The ssl directory will store your root and kubernetes certificates for future runs.
  • The keys directory will store your ssh keys for future runs.
  • The bin directory will store the ct and kubectl utilities.
  • The work directory will store all your selections doing first run for future runs.
Other noticeable updates. The script was enhanced to preserve user login / password(encrypted) for next run.

Building your own image

Just clone the GitHub Repository.
git clone
Then to build your own image, just run the below.
# Build image
docker build --no-cache \
-t coreos-kubernetes-generator:0.8.2 app

# If behind a proxy
docker build --no-cache --build-arg HTTP_PROXY=$http_proxy \
--build-arg HTTPS_PROXY=$http_proxy --build-arg NO_PROXY=$no_proxy \
--build-arg http_proxy=$http_proxy --build-arg https_proxy=$http_proxy \
--build-arg no_proxy=$no_proxy -t coreos-kubernetes-generator:0.8.2 app


Documentation and usage references are available in my GitHub Repository. You might also like – Other articles related to Docker Kubernetes / micro-service. Like what you’re reading? please provide feedback, any feedback is appreciated.
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