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I just pushed version-06 of – Creating A DevOps Like Environment In Oracle Solaris including HA and DR

Below are whats new for this update. Version 0.6 Added: This version adds the capability to create Zones with High Availability(HA) and Disaster Recovery(DR) in mind. With this version:
    1. You can now specify a list of HA (local servers) and a list of DR (remote) servers.
    1. The script will automatically select the least loaded server to create the Zone.
    1. Every zone will get created in pairs, an HA(local) zone and a DR(remote) Zone (based on least load).
    1. The script will also make sure there is enough resources, based on your minimum CPU, Memory, etc…
Added: This version adds the VM/Zone image rotate i.e. -l (–listZones) option. With this version you can now update/rollback an image using the newest ZFS copy. Updated: This version enhances / replaces the IP / Port mapping option used in the previous version. With this version you don’t need to create / copy the port mapping file to all zones, the controller(server that runs this script) will keep track of all zone IP / Port mappings. the script utilizes the Python pickleDB module to keep track of this changes, the pickleDB stores all modifications in a JSON like file format called ports.db . Updated: This version enhances / simplifies and removes the need to create an sc_profile.xml. With this version there is no need to pre-create the sc_profile.xml, the script will dynamically create the sc_profile.xml at zone install/cloning time. For additional details please check out the git repository here. For a batter explanation you can check out Part 1 and Part 2 on how Creating A DevOps Like Environment In Oracle Solaris. You might also like – Articles related to Oracle Solaris 11.4/Solaris 12. Like what you’re reading? please provide feedback, any feedback is appreciated.
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