Creating a custom Solaris Live CD
Tip: You will need the full Solaris repository for this process to work (4 ISO from Oracle’s web site 4+Gb).
Create the local repo directory.
mkdir /export/support-repo/ &&b cd /export/support-repo/
./install-repo.ksh -d /export/support-repo/
Create cd, usb, rep, etc
cd /tmp
cp /usr/share/distro_const/dc_livecd.xml dc_livecd.xml
vi dc_livecd.xml and change the repo to http://, or file://
Also Modify the entire line to the proper entire (or leve latest)
distro_const build dc_livecd.xml
Make proper changes to the dc_livecd.xml. the below changes are the minimum, change to your own repo address in this case its
Tip: You can also use files instead of an ip, something like this files:///solaris-repo/repo-files
FromTO From pkg:/entire@latest Topkg:/entire@0.5.11- FromTo
Note: You can also specify -p create-iso, or just run -l for a list of available options
Note: The option of create-iso never worked for me, instead I just let the full process complete.