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How to create a runnable jar file from multiple java packages. The below example has two packages mypkg1 & mypkg2 with the below directory structure
As you can see below I have 3 java files and two packages
# pwd 

# du -a
4       ./mypkg1/
4       ./mypkg1/
16      ./mypkg1
4       ./mypkg2/
8       ./mypkg2
Example java main method file.
package mypkg1;

import mypkg2.Res;

public class One
        public static void main(String[] args) {
                Two two = new Two();
                Res res = new Res();
                System.out.println(two.Two(2, 2));
                System.out.println(res.Res(4, 2));
Create a Manifest file Note: mypkg1 contains the main and One is the class called
cat mypkg1/manifest.txt
Main-Class: mypkg1.One

Note: Make sure to leave two empty lines at the end
Lets first compile to java byte-code.
javac mypkg*/*.java
Now we are ready to compile / create the jar file.
jar -cvfm mypkg1.jar mypkg1/mainfest.txt mypkg*/*.class
added manifest
adding: mypkg1/One.class(in = 510) (out= 354)(deflated 30%)
adding: mypkg1/Two.class(in = 249) (out= 199)(deflated 20%)
adding: mypkg2/Res.class(in = 249) (out= 199)(deflated 20%)
To use the jar file just run
java -jar mypkg1.jar
One last word about extra library files or any other static data. By default java will search library and shared objects (so) files under the project folder/lib, make sure to include that in the jar file if needed. alternatively use Apache Ant to auto build your project
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