To install and deploy the Logical Domains Interface in Sun Java System Console.
First get the software by clicking here
Copy the tar file to /tmp then run
Note: You need to have perl on the system to install and run this.
gunzip Logical_Domains_BUI-1_0_1.tar.gz tar -xvf Logical_Domains_BUI-1_0_1.tar perl /tmp/misc/ Logical_Domains_BUI-1_0_1.tar
To give access for other users besides root, add a new read and write user
read only user: useradd -d /export/home/ruser -m -s /bin/ksh -A ruser read and write user: useradd -d /export/home/wuser -m -s /bin/ksh -A solaris.ldoms.write wuser
To complete the configuration deployment to Sun Java System Console run.
/opt/LDomBUI/LdomMgmt/misc/deploy_ldoms_bui To ''verify deployment'' /opt/LDomBUI/LdomMgmt/misc/list_web_appls
To start using the new Logical Domains Interface go to and click on
Logical Domains Browser User Interface
To uninstall and un-deploy the Logical Domains Interface from Sun Java System Console.
For more information on this installation look in /tmp/misc/INSTALL included in this package.