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Configuring Consul for Service Discovery in a Multiple Data Centers
Since my last post on how to configure Consul for Service Discovery in a Multi Data Center, a number of things have changed and got updated. You can see the original post by going here part 1 and here part 2, the original write-up was using version 0.9.2 while the current version is 1.4.2. Below I updated the consul configuration to work with version 1.4 (the most recent version as of this writing). Before looking on the configuration changes, its good to point-out some of the new features added to more recent versions of Consul. Below is a partial list on some of the new or enhance features.- ACLs: With recent versions you can now configure ACL(access control lists) who has access to what, this includes the Web-UI, Rest calls as well as the CLI.
- SSL:Full support for SSL – configured with consul tls…
- UI Update: The web UI got a major overall facelift.
# Remove from startup -client="" # Add instead to the json config "client_addr": ""...In addition to the above, some configuration parameters changed or got deprecated.
Consul Server Example
The IP address schema used in the consul configuration is below.
The table below lists names and IP address used in this configuration (feel free to replace with your needs).DC1 | |
Name | IP Addrss |
Consul Servers | |
ConsulMaster1 | |
ConsulMaster2 | |
ConsulMaster3 | |
Consul Client | |
Dc1Client1 | |
End Host | |
dc1-devops1 | |
DC2 | |
Name | IP Address |
Consul Servers | |
ConsulMaster1 | |
ConsulMaster2 | |
ConsulMaster3 | |
Consul Client | |
Dc2Client1 | |
End Host | |
dc2-devops1 | |
Consul server installation and configuration
In the below test I used Solaris zones installation configuration. For a Solaris zone instillation example please take a look on part 1 (using version 0.9.2). First, lets download consul. For a list of latest releases click here. I used version 1.4.2 the latest version as of this writeup.wget https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/archive/v1.4.2.zipNext, lets configure user and groups.
groupadd consul useradd -d /var/consul -g consul -m -s /bin/bash -c "Consul App" consul mkdir -p /etc/consul.d/{bootstrap,server,client} mkdir /var/consul chown consul:consul /var/consulNext, we need to generate an encryption key.
consul keygen G1Y/7ooXzfuyPmyzj2RlDg==Finally we need to create the Consul config.json. you do so by running the below. Consul config.json for the Consul Servers Consul Server DC1 – First node config.json Note: Replace DNS and IP address information to reflect your environment.
cat /etc/consul.d/server/config.json { "bind_addr": "", "client_addr": "", "datacenter": "dc1", "data_dir": "/consul", "encrypt": "G1Y/7ooXzfuyPmyzj2RlDg==", "log_level": "INFO", "enable_debug": true, "node_name": "ConsulMaster1", "server": true, "bootstrap_expect": 3, "leave_on_terminate": false, "skip_leave_on_interrupt": true, "rejoin_after_leave": true, "disable_update_check": true, "performance": { "raft_multiplier": 1 }, "recursors": ["", ""], "retry_join": [ "", "", "" ], "retry_join_wan": [ "", "", "" ] }Consul Server DC2 – First node config.json
{ "bind_addr": "", "client_addr": "", "datacenter": "dc2", "data_dir": "/consul", "encrypt": "G1Y/7ooXzfuyPmyzj2RlDg==", "log_level": "INFO", "enable_debug": true, "node_name": "ConsulMaster1", "server": true, "bootstrap_expect": 3, "leave_on_terminate": false, "skip_leave_on_interrupt": true, "rejoin_after_leave": true, "disable_update_check": true, "performance": { "raft_multiplier": 1 }, "recursors": ["", ""], "retry_join": [ "", "", "" ], "retry_join_wan": [ "", "", "" ] }Note: The above config.json is for the first node. Make sure to replace the below fields on the two other nodes, nodes two and three.
- bind_addr
- node_name
- client_addr
nohup su - consul -c "/usr/bin/consul agent -config-dir /etc/consul.d/server/ -ui >> /var/tmp/consul_log.out 2>&1" &Note: The above startup enables the Web UI. if you don’t like the Web UI on the Consul servers just remove the -ui option. Now, Lets move to the Consul client configuration. Consul config.json for the Consul Clients Consul Client DC1 – First node config.json
cat <<'EOF' > /etc/consul.d/client/config.json { "bind_addr": "", "client_addr": "", "datacenter": "dc1", "data_dir": "/consul", "encrypt": "G1Y/7ooXzfuyPmyzj2RlDg==", "log_level": "INFO", "enable_debug": true, "node_name": "Dc1Client1", "enable_script_checks": true, "server": false, "recursors": ["" ,""], "services": [{ "id": "dc1-devops1", "name": "rad-6789", "tags": ["dc1-devops1"], "address": "", "port": 22, "checks": [{ "id": "dc1-rad-6789", "name": "DC1-rad-6789", "service_id": "rad-6789", "tcp": "dc1-devops1:6789", "tls_skip_verify": false, "interval": "2s", "timeout": "1s" }] }], "rejoin_after_leave": true, "disable_update_check": true, "retry_join": [ "", "", "" ] } EOFConsul Client DC2 – First node config.json
cat <<'EOF' > /etc/consul.d/client/config.json { "bind_addr": "", "client_addr": "", "datacenter": "dc2", "data_dir": "/consul", "encrypt": "G1Y/7ooXzfuyPmyzj2RlDg==", "log_level": "INFO", "enable_debug": true, "node_name": "Dc2Client1", "enable_script_checks": true, "server": false, "recursors": ["" ,""], "services": [{ "id": "dc2-devops1", "name": "rad-6789", "tags": ["dc2-devops1"], "address": "", "port": 22, "checks": [{ "id": "dc2-rad-6789", "name": "DC2-rad-6789", "service_id": "rad-6789", "tcp": "dc2-devops1:6789", "tls_skip_verify": false, "interval": "2s", "timeout": "1s" }] }], "rejoin_after_leave": true, "disable_update_check": true, "retry_join": [ "", "", "" ] } EOFNote: The Address property under services, can be used to replace the DNS reply address for this service lookup. Create a startup script with the below.
cat consul.sh #!/bin/bash case $1 in 'start') nohup su - consul -c "/usr/bin/consul agent -config-dir /etc/consul.d/client/ -ui >> /var/tmp/consul_log.out 2>&1" & ;; 'stop') pkill -9 -U consul ;; 'restart') $0 stop sleep 1 $0 start ;; *) echo "Usage $0 [start|stop|restart]" ;; esacTo start consul, just run the below.
consul.sh startTip: You can omit the nohup to run in the foreground(for troubleshooting). If all done correctly, you should now have a working Consul cluster. To access the Web UI , just go to any Consul server, port 8500. For example would bring you to the below screen, pick your DC and continue to node and services selection. List of Consul nodes. A failed Consul node services. To continue reading part two, on how to configure Consul for Multi Data Center click here. Note: This article was update using Consul version 1.4, to access the original article using Consul version 0.9.2 click here. Like what you’re reading? give it a thumbs up by rating the article. You might also like – related to Docker Kubernetes / micro-services.
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