IPfilter is disabled by default. You need to use svcadm to enable, disable, start or stop the service. For initial setup of the service:
svccfg -s network/ipfilter:
setprop firewall_config_default/policy = astring: custom
svccfg -s network/ipfilter:
setprop firewall_config_default/custom_policy_file = astring:
svcadm refresh ipfilter
svcadm enable ipfilter
Starting and Stopping IPfilter
svcadm enable ipfilter
svcs -a | grep ipfilter
Adding your own rules
# ipf.conf
# IP Filter rules to be loaded during startup
# pass out as if we were a single internet client
pass out log quick on localvnic0 proto tcp from dst_ip_addr/32 to any keep state
pass out log quick on localvnic0 proto udp from dst_ip_addr/32 to any keep state
pass out log quick on localvnic0 proto icmp from dst_ip_addr/32 to any keep state
# By default, block and log everything.
block in log quick all with short
block in log on localvnic0 all
pass in log quick on localvnic0 from src_ip to dst_ip/23 port = 22 keep state
pass in log quick on localvnic0 proto icmp from src_ip to dst_ip/23
pass in log quick on localvnic0 from src_ip to dst_ip_net/23 port = 22 keep state
pass in log quick on localvnic0 proto icmp from src_ip to dst_ip
Activating a new ipfilter rule
ipf -Fa -f /etc/ipf/ipf.conf
Testing IPF rule
ipfstat -io